Vertu : Our ‪LiveExtraordinary‬ competition is now closed

Our ‪#‎LiveExtraordinary‬ competition is now closed. Keep watching next week to see which extraordinary moments have made the shortlist.‪ #‎extraordinary‬ ‪#‎competition‬ ‪#‎moments‬ ‪#‎Vertu‬ ‪#‎Vertuth‬ ‪#‎everestworld‬

Vertu : AsterLife – a world of extraordinary

An exceptional collection of distinctive aesthetics and outstanding performance. #AsterLife – a world of extraordinary. Explore the collection at #vertu #vertuth #exceptionalcollection #performance #extraordinary #color #luxurymobile#VertuAster #everestworld

Vertu : Create, capture and share your extraordinary moments

  Create, capture and share your extraordinary moments at for a chance to win a personalised and engraved Vertu Aster.#LiveExtraordinary Competition. #VertuAster#extraordinary #personalised #capture #vertu#competition #luxury #mobileluxury #everestworld#vertuth